Commercial Roofing Plans

The Most Effective Roof Plans

Plant engineers, property managers, and building owners alike have come to accept that their roofs will all eventually fail, which is why they buy the best new roofs they can afford and make the most of their existing roofs to lessen the impact on their bottom line.

The last things anyone wants are leaks and compromised relations with their building occupants. Experienced facility managers know the best way to make the most of their roofs is with an effective management plan. Here are some things to consider.

Start with a good roof.

When you select a roof that follows good design and installation practices, your stand a better chance of seeing it reaching its potential design life. Quality products, appropriate design and material selection, along with care and quality of installation are what make a good roof.

Finding the best product and roofing contractor takes time and research, which is why many facility managers are tempted to choose the same product for all their roofs. Problem is, choosing the same material for a different roof forces designers and roofers to “make” a material work when other products or materials would be better. Rarely, does one product fit every need. Defining and understanding site-specific requirements and selecting the roofing solution to best meet them will prevent leaks and further problems from occurring in the long run.

Good roofing design considers building code requirements (wind, hail, fire, energy ratings), slope/drainage issues, roof traffic/roof durability, climate exposure, construction access (getting equipment and materials on and off the roof) occupancy issues (noise, dust, fumes), your long-term goals and your budget. A complete roof design also provides detailed drawings of how all building components connect and shed water, which reduces the number of RFOs (Roofer Figure Out).

For more information, contact Matt Bade of Bade Roofing at 314-892-1331 or visit

Bade Roofing Company. Founded in 1954, Bade Roofing Company, Inc. is one of St. Louis, Missouri's premier family-owned and operated commercial and industrial roofing specialists. Bade Roofing installs roofing systems on major retail centers, grocery stores, hospitals, schools, warehouses and office buildings.

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