Spring in the Midwest can be soggy, so it’s important to take advantage of those token sunny days in April and May to do some roof maintenance. Here’s a tip to prevent ponding on your roof to better protect it against leaks before the next wave of thunderstorms hits.
The best thing you can do to prevent ponding on your roof is remove debris from around drains. Often, significant ponding issues can arise from drains that don't function properly. A large volume of water can be very heavy and crush the insulation underneath, forming a low spot on the roof. Once this happens, water will always pond there. This water can also find its way into the building if a seam or hole opens up. What may have been a small leak, if the drains functioned properly, can quickly become much more significant and damaging.
April showers are inevitable, but they don’t have to cause damaging leaks.
Bade Roofing Company. Founded in 1954, Bade Roofing Company, Inc. is one of St. Louis, Missouri's premier family-owned and operated commercial and industrial roofing specialists. Bade Roofing installs roofing systems on major retail centers, grocery stores, hospitals, schools, warehouses and office buildings. www.baderoofing.com